What to bring to the parks!

Photo by Alejandra Villalobos

Being prepared for Disney Parks is essential to making a trip successful. Below are a couple of tips to make your trip the least stressful.

  1. Water, water, water! Regardless if you’re going to be extremely active walking around the parks, water will be essential to stay hydrated throughout the days and with crowds.
  2. If you’re bringing kids, snacks are going to be something you do not want to miss packing! (even if you’re not a kid, this can also apply to adults.) Snacks are not forbidden to pack in your purse/backpack by the parks to bring in. Having something light to snack on in between lunch/dinner is not only cheaper but ends up helping you and your family not becoming HANGRY.
  3. Battery Packs! A trip to the parks usually means you’re planning on being there the majority of the day. Although we should be living in the moment and NOT on our cellphones we still are probably going to use our phones to record videos and take pictures. Also to use the Disneyland Park Mobile app! Which requires our cellphones,  so more than likely our batteries are going to drain. Having that extra battery pack will be a life saver! I would even add bringing more than one charging cord, JUST IN CASE, something goes wrong with the first one, which means the battery pack will be useless.